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38 Quotes about Bravery and Leadership

To intrepidly engage with your leadership journey and channel your inner warrior, read and reflect on these 38 quotes about bravery and leadership.

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‘Take Just One Step’—Debra Benton and Doug Conant on Leadership Courage

Leadership experts Debra Benton & Doug Conant say the path to leadership courage starts with taking “just one step” closer to other people.

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‘Lead for Good’—Jean-Philippe Courtois and Doug Conant on the Power of Courageous Leadership

Jean-Philippe Courtois and Doug Conant talk about the power of courageous leadership in the modern age. They say ‘lead for good.’

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‘Courage Is the Mother Skill’—Why Leaders Must Learn to Be Brave

Learn why leaders must learn to be brave and why leadership competence is contingent upon your ability to develop courage.

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‘Lead with Your Heart, Not Just Your Head’—Bill George & Doug Conant on How Emerging Leaders Can Find True North & Lead Authentically

Get expert tips from Doug Conant and Bill George on how emerging leaders can find true north and lead authentically.

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‘The Power Is Inside of You’ – Jon Gordon, Jade Gordon & Doug Conant on How to Use Positive Leadership to Make a Difference

Learn from 3 leadership experts why the ‘power is inside of you’ and get tips for how to use positive leadership to make a difference.

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‘Character’ Is More Important than ‘Native Intelligence’—Doug Conant and Malcolm Gladwell on the Future of Workplace Talent

Learn why Doug Conant and Malcolm Gladwell say ‘character’ is more important than ‘native intelligence’ to the future of workplace talent.

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Leaders, March Towards Courage

Leaders, march towards courage with these four tips for increasing your capacity for courage and strengthening your courage muscle.

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‘Be a Force for Growth & a Force for Good’—3 Leadership Experts Celebrate John Smale’s Timeless Leadership in an Everchanging World

3 top leadership experts on the timeless leadership legacy of John Smale. Learn how to be a force for growth and a force for good.

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Mastering the Art of Leadership Abundance

Learn why mastering the art of leadership abundance can unlock better outcomes at the personal and organizational level.

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‘There’s Always Time for Small Moments of True Connection’—Susan Cain and Doug Conant on Life and Leadership

Susan Cain and Doug Conant share tips for fostering deeper connections in today’s workplace—for greater fulfillment in life and leadership.

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“We Have a Greater Responsibility to Society than Just the Bottom Line”—Steve Collis and Doug Conant on Creating Purpose-Driven, High-Performing Organizations

Steve Collis and Doug Conant share tips from the C-suite for creating purpose-driven, high-performing organizations.

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Two Holiday Wishes and a Dare

As we transition from 2021 to 2022, here are my two holiday wishes and a dare for leaders this season.

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‘Not All Fun and Games and Ice Cream’ — Amy Edmondson and Doug Conant on How to Harness the Power of Psychological Safety

Enjoy the following smart tips from Amy Edmondson and Doug Conant for understanding how to harness the power of psychological safety.

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A Decade of Championing ‘Leadership That Works’

Celebrating ten years of ConantLeadership: A Decade of Championing ‘Leadership That Works’ with resources, training, philanthropy, and more.

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The Only Way Out Is in: Bill George & Doug Conant on Leading Authentically

Bill George and Doug Conant offer expert tips for leading more authentically and finding ‘true north’ in times of tumult and crisis.

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How to Lead Change No Matter Your Job Title

You don’t need an official “leadership title” to lead change. You can make an impact right now. Here’s how to lead change no matter your job title.

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8 Leadership Links for Uncertain Times

In these 8 leadership links for uncertain times: how to be productive at home, guiding principles for leading remote teams, why you might be grieving, and more.

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The Power of a Leadership Foundation—in the Best of Times & Worst of Times

With a Foundation in place, you can lead people through change when they need leadership desperately.

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Lead with Gratitude

To lead with gratitude, you have to change your way of thinking. Leading with gratitude is not a single set of practices, it’s a mindset.

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Tips on Leading by Example at Your Organization

To move things forward, we have to start with our own actions. Here are two easily digestible and practical tips on leading by example at your organization.

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How We Reduced Our Injury Rate by 90% at Campbell Soup Company

The key to enforcing tough standards? It’s caring about people. Here’s the story of how one leader made people safer at Campbell by showing how much he cared.

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What Do Great Leaders Have in Common?

In my over 40 years of leadership experience, I’ve seen what works and what doesn’t. Great leaders have these seven things in common.

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4 TED Talks on Leading a Fulfilling Life and Leaving a Leadership Legacy

These 4 TED talks on leading a fulfilling life and leaving a leadership legacy will empower you to look beyond your daily to-do list to reach even higher.

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8 Best Leadership Links to Read Right Now

In this month’s Leadership That Works Newsletter: how to ask better questions, why you’re braver than you think, and more.

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26 Tough-Minded Leadership Quotes for Better Performance

These 26 tough-minded leadership quotes for better performance will inspire you to keep your eye on the ball and achieve your leadership goals with grit in the face of adversity.

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Our 50 Best Leadership Tips of the Year

To help empower people to lead better, Doug tweeted a lot about leadership that works in 2016. These are the 50 absolute best leadership tips of the year.

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12 Posts on Gratitude

In this month’s special Thanksgiving link roundup: 12 posts on gratitude to inspire a more thankful approach to life and leadership this holiday season.

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37 Quotes on Reaching Life and Leadership Goals

These 37 leadership quotes celebrate the importance of goal setting and the various practices that can help us achieve the extraordinary.

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4 TED Talks on Finding Meaning in Your Work

4 inspiring TED talks that offer empowering insights into what motivates us.

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26 Leadership Quotes for the Holiday Season

The holidays are a time for reflection, for growth, for gratitude, and goal-setting. Here are 26 leadership quotes that capture the spirit of the season.

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10 Inspiring Posts on Gratitude

For the second year in a row we’ve compiled 10 thoughtful and inspiring posts on gratitude — and leadership — from all over the web.

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21 Tweets That Will Instantly Inspire You to Live & Lead Better

These 21 leadership tweets will give you an instant dose of inspiration to live and lead better today.

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Quotes That Inspire Greater Commitment

These quotes will inspire a greater commitment to your life and leadership goals.

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4 Leadership Quotes that Hold Us to a Higher Standard

4 leadership quotes that hold us to a higher standard and challenge us to aspire to greater heights of leadership achievement.

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Leadership Words to Live By

Leaders need words to live by – words that are adaptive & flexible, yet anchored in unwavering values & time-tested truths. These are leadership words to live by.

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4 Leadership Quotes That Push You to be Better

At ConantLeadership, we like to reiterate the importance of learning and growth. A commitment to inquiry, through a regular practice of learning from other leadership thinkers, can be among our greatest allies as we forge ahead on our leadership journey. After all, mastery requires hard work — both through practice and through study. The ‘study’ component […]

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10 Great Posts On Gratitude

We hope you find these 10 posts about gratitude from all over the web as inspiring as we do.

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Breakfasts with Warren at the Viceroy

A tribute to the amazing leadership thinker and practitioner, Warren Bennis.

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3 Big Things I Learned When I Got Fired

Losing my job was difficult. But it lead to my learning 3 big lessons that still influence my leadership today.

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7 of the Best Leadership Books Ever

Over the years, I’ve read hundreds of leadership books in the broad category of wisdom literature, many of which would nest under the study of leadership. I do have some favorites. While many authors have influenced my perspective, in the spirit of saying “when the student is ready, the master appears,” the books listed below […]

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