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23 Trust Tweets for Leaders

by | Feb 24, 2016

In leadership — trust is foundational and mandatory. It is the single most critical component to leadership that works. That’s why we placed it at the center of our ConantLeadership Flywheel which outlines the 7 connected practice areas that are essential to leading effectively in the 21st century. As part of our commitment to champion trust, we often look to the insights of other great leaders and thinkers to inform and inspire our thinking. Here are 23 smart tweets on trust that will challenge you to live and lead better — with greater integrity, mindfulness, competence, and trustworthiness.

1. Stephen M.R. Covey, the preeminent expert on trust,  on the importance of results.

2. Adam Grant on how doing great things builds the necessary trust to grow a network.

3. Barbara Brooks Kimmel on modeling trust at the top.

4. Vala Afshar reminds us what it’s all about.

5. Marshall Goldsmith on honoring your relationships.

6. Paul McGillicuddy on the power of listening.

7. Chris Gardner on admitting your mistakes.

8. Linda Locke on knowing, and valuing, your stakeholders.

9. Bill George on building a network of people you can trust.

10. Rachel Botsman on the importance of treating people with respect and valuing their humanity.

11. Carol Sanford reminds us that trust is a skill to be practiced.

12. Brené Brown with a powerful MLK quote on integrity.

13. Robin Sharma on the job of a leader.

14. Gretchen Rubin on putting our best foot forward.

15. Paulo Coehlo on wielding influence responsibly.

16. Mark Fernandes with a Klaus Balkenhol quote on the difference between a leader and a boss.

17. Dorie Clark on the importance of seeing people as they really are.

18. Marala Scott on the responsibility of a trustworthy leader.

19. Jim Kouzes remind us of the importance of showing up for people.

20. Mike Myatt on the attitude that gets results (we can’t earn trust without results).

21. Kevin Kruse on what motivates trustworthy leaders.

22. Youngme Moon reminds us we have no excuse — we can ignite change and earn trust where we are, with what we have, right now.

23. And finally, Stephen M.R. Covey breaks down the ingredients of trust. (We couldn’t resist including him twice).

Doug Conant is remarkable—and so is this work.
– Stephen M. R. Covey
Author of The Speed of Trust

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