Today we dispatched the October edition of our Leadership That Works Newsletter, a curated digest of the most fascinating leadership links to read right now, sent at the end of each month. In this month’s edition: what 525 CEOs say about leadership, how to be heard, the art of remembering what you read, and more. As always, we’re sharing the articles from our newsletter here in case you’re not subscribed to our mailing list. (If you like what you see, you can sign up to receive our newsletter here).
Change Is the Essence of Leadership
“All management is the management of change” writes Robert H. Schaffer in this Harvard Business Review post that smartly challenges leaders to stop thinking about change management as a separate discipline that lies apart from their regular job. Instead, they should consider that managing change effectively is the crux of their duty as leaders.
** For more on managing change, explore our 25 quotes that tackle the issue.
The Art of Remembering What You Read
If you’re an avid reader — or even a sporadic dabbler — you’ll want to explore this comprehensive Farnam Street post that details exactly what steps you must take to remember more of what you read. There are seven important ways to retain more information, draw better conclusions and connections, and effectively apply knowledge you’ve learned — and you’ll find them all here, explained in glorious, actionable detail.
What Is Self-Leadership?
The best leaders expect as much, or more, from themselves as they do from others, explains Dan Rockwell in this Leadership Freak post. To practice self-leadership, it’s important to have a framework for self-reflection and self-awareness, and Rockwell explores those themes with some provocative probing questions here.
** For more on self-leadership, explore our prompts for inward reflection here and here.
What 525 CEOs Say about Leadership
Adam Bryant has interviewed five hundred twenty-five CEOs over a decade for his “Corner Office” column in The New York Times. In his final column in the ten-year series, he shares the most pivotal, fascinating, and enlightening insights and stories he’s learned over the years, gleaned from five million words of transcripts. It’s worth exploring the entire post, but not surprisingly to us, Bryant determined that the absolute most important thing about leadership is trust. Read the full article here for more advice and leadership shop-talk on how to be an effective CEO.
**For more on the importance of trust, explore our leadership resources on the topic here.
How to Be Heard
Have you ever shared an idea or comment only to feel dismissed or ignored? If so, you’re not alone. It’s a common feeling in the modern workplace. To help established and aspiring leaders better voice their opinions and be heard more often, Jesse Lyn Stoner compiled this practical seven-step guide for getting your point across.
Good Teams Take Time
High performing teams are more than just a group of people working together. The best teams have complementary skills and pull together in sync to get stuff done. It’s not so easy to build extraordinary teams but it is doable. To help, Wally Bock identifies three “inconvenient truths” about teams in this interesting post. The top takeaway? Teams take time. They won’t become high-functioning overnight.
** For more tips on building great teams, explore our post on the three things the best teams have.
Social Connections Are Key to Inclusivity
To build a culture of inclusiveness, leaders should find ways to ensure employees feel their contributions are valued and that they have meaningful social connections in the workplace, finds Gallup in this interesting post. Sadly, “just four in 10 U.S. employees strongly agree that their supervisor or someone at work seems to care about them as a person.” But there are insights here that can help leaders improve their workplace culture and bolster employee engagement.
Enjoyed these links? Check out our recent link roundups from September, August, and July. Explore our suite of leadership resources here. Or, join our mailing list here.
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