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The Power Principle

By Blaine Lee

256 Pages

This book about Apple is also very relevant to leadership. The driving notion of Segall’s book is that the key to success is striving for simplicity. Chapter 1 is “Think Brutal”; the first step on the journey to simplicity is to deal with the real world, confront the facts, and identify the issue. Then Segall challenges the reader — just as Apple challenges its employees — to work through all the complexity of the problems at hand to arrive at something simple and easy to implement. This is a good approach. As leaders, if we have too complex a solution to a complex problem, we get mired in the execution. Segall shows us how addressing the brutal facts, getting to the essence of the challenge, and ultimately arriving at a simple, executable solution is at the heart of Apple’s business model. I find this philosophy helpful in terms of thinking about leadership.

– D. R. Conant

The Blueprint book