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3 Newsletters and 1 Blog You Should Subscribe to Right Now

by | Jul 24, 2015

We say it often at ConantLeadership: if you want to remain competitive and get better at your craft, you’ve got to ardently pursue learning and growth. This means reading. A lot. We consume enough leadership content to make the average person’s head spin (and we’re betting you do to). While we rely heavily on our personalized RSS feed to bring us the latest leadership reading from our favorite blogs (we use feedly, a great tool), and we love reading the recommendations from our leadership community on TwitterFacebook, and LinkedIn — sometimes we still miss a great post from a lesser-known blog, or we skim over a piece from a very well-known publisher, or an insightful article comes from an unexpected source. That’s why it’s so helpful to supplement our own content gathering and curating efforts with great resources like these 3 newsletters and 1 blog that scour the internet for high-quality leadership content. These great sources help make sure we don’t miss anything important from top thought leaders and contemporaries, and we’re confident they can help you too.


SmartBrief on Leadership offers a well-curated selection of top leadership news and articles right in your inbox every single day. They also publish original leadership content and pepper their daily offerings with thought-provoking quotes and interesting polls about leadership behaviors and best-practices. You can view a sample of a SmartBrief on Leadership newsletter here and subscribe here.


Adam Grant is a Wharton professor and the New York Times bestselling author of Give and Take: Why Helping Others Drives Our Success. He writes witty, engaging content on a wide variety of work and life issues through the lens of leadership and psychology. Grant is smart, he’s got a point of view, and his monthly roundup of compelling content, “Granted”,  is one of the best things to appear in our inbox each month. You can take a look at the most recent issue of “Granted” here, and you can subscribe here.


CEO.com is a great resource for established and aspiring leaders because they compile a variety of readables — from leadership insights that can help us get better at our craft, to up-to-the-minute news about the high profile CEOs and companies we care about most. Subscribing to their daily brief keeps us abreast not only of fresh leadership content but all the CEO news that’s fit to print. You can subscribe to their Daily Brief here — and if every day seems too frequent, they also have a weekly option (so you’re still informed but your inbox is less cluttered).


Wally Bock is an established expert on leadership and business writing. His blog provides insightful original leadership content penned by him — but it also features two enormously helpful content “round-ups” per week. On Mondays he always posts “Leadership Reading to Start Your Week” and he follows that up mid-week with a post in which he curates his favorite posts from Independent Business Blogs. If you follow Wally’s blog, between the twice weekly roundups, and his own fresh content, you can be sure you never miss an important leadership insight. You can subscribe here.

What resources do you rely on to stay current on leadership and life? Drop us a line in the comments. 

(Photo via Death to the Stock Photo under this license).

Doug Conant is remarkable—and so is this work.
– Stephen M. R. Covey
Author of The Speed of Trust

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