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The Power Principle

By Blaine Lee

302 Pages

John Wooden, the renowned UCLA basketball coach was a “philosopher-coach” in the truest sense: a person whose beliefs, teachings, and wisdom went far beyond sports and ultimately addressed how to bring out the very best in yourself and others in all areas of life. I grew up watching his teams accomplish remarkable feats on the basketball floor and found myself wondering how he could deliver such enduring success. As I read this book, I found the answer. He was a master teacher who understood motivation, organization and psychology. He was able to successfully share his wisdom because he cultivated the gift of expressing his philosophy directly and simply, in a manner accessible and applicable to everyone. In many ways his philosophy will be viewed as “old school”, however, when you read this book you will find that some of this “old school” thinking can have powerful “new world” impact.

– D. R. Conant

The Blueprint book