The Power Principle
By Blaine Lee
This book is written by a highly accomplished practitioner of leadership, Harry Kraemer, former Chairman and CEO of Baxter International. He is now a highly regarded professor of management and strategy at Northwestern University’s Kellogg School of Management. He has beautifully married his experience at Baxter International with his academic study at Kellogg. Through all of this work, he has landed on a perspective that to be successful, leaders must approach their work in a values-based, principle-centered fashion. The four principles are self-reflection, balance and perspective, true self-confidence, and genuine humility. They form a rock solid foundation for becoming a values-based leader.
I know Harry Kraemer and he is at “one” with his work. Applying his approach to your work will help you become “one” with your own unique values-based leadership profile that delivers high performance.