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The Power Principle

By Blaine Lee

304 Pages

In this forward-thinking book, Pink predicts that right brainers will rule the future. His perspective is that the more analytical people who ruled the 20th century (left-brainers) will be challenged to create differentiation in the 21st century because people who view the world more creatively (right-brainers) will be able to create new paradigms more effectively. Pink argues that the crucial competitive advantage for contributors of the future will be creativity because the accelerated rate of innovation and change renders a purely analytical approach insufficient. The idea being that an analytical approach is still helpful but it’s simply not good enough. He doesn’t suggest that there’s no longer room for left-brainers in the world but he does challenge them to develop a better toolkit for solving problems in Design, Story, Symphony, Empathy, Play, and Meaning. And he provides a model for doing that. A very interesting book for modern leaders.

– D. R. Conant

The Blueprint book